Sunday, September 16, 2012


We only intended to stay in Normanton for a quick re-fuel and a coffee, but before we knew it, it was after 10am, and there are 3 pubs in we stayed a while!
We went for a walk around Normanton while we sobered up enough to drive and met Krys, a lifesize
replica of the largest croc ever shot, 8.6m, and shot by a lady at that!
We finally left Normanton and were quickly back on gravel roads again on our way to our overnight stop on the banks of the Leichardt falls.
Loved this poster on the wall in the Purple Pub. We were drinking beer in there at 10.15am, bad I know but we're on holiday, when a blackfella,( known as soldier) came to the bar and knocked back a double brandy in double quick time!

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