Thursday, August 30, 2012

Heading North from the tip!

There is still some of Australia past Cape York, so we thought we best go and check it out. Thursday Island. What a great place. The people are super friendly and happy and wear colourful patterned clothes, like Fijians. The communities are clean, tidy and well cared for. The islanders are proud of where they live. It is a huge contrast to the aboriginal communities on the mainland.
We had a great lunch at the Top Pub, Australias most northern hotel, and as we weren't driving, well you can guess the rest!! We have now had a beer in Australias most northern mainland pub in Bamaga, and the most northern in Australia! The Bamaga pub is a sorry place in comparison.

The crossing takes about an hour on a catamaran. We had 30 knot south easterlies so had to sit inside to stay dry. The ferry crossing included a bus tour of T.I that was very good.


Anonymous said...

well you seem to be having a great time and seem to have met up with alot of like boozy friends i pleased to hear you are having good weather while we shiver Had a big wind storm yesterday lights out at work thought we might be able to go home early after 2 hours they came back on Everything else is all ok we had a nice dinner with Steve @Mel i think they enjoyed it Pete done one of his special dinners Keep on enjoying your trip and keep safe Love mum

Pip ans sue said...

Hi Jo and nick
Sarah from QLD was down and showed me how to work this blog thing,so now l have been following your trip.

Looks fantastic.