Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Daly Waters Madness

Instead of heading west the normal way, via the Victoria Hwy, we decided, as usual to take the 'trail less travelled'! And surprise surprise, that took us past a pub!! But not any normal pub, the Daly Waters pub. Then up the Buchanan Hwy, past Top Springs, through Gregory National Park ( another must go back to place ) and to Timber Creek. The track was fairly rough, but that may have been my hangover!!
So how do you describe the Daly Waters pub to someone that hasn't been? Not sure, check out the pics!

I'm sure you get the idea, it's a fun pub. The night we stayed there was a group of bikies celebrating a 50th birthday by  visiting as many outback pubs in 5 days, as time or their livers allow! They were drinking shots till 2am and were back on the Harleys at 7am.

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