Sunday, July 8, 2012

Hippy Town

We are now staying at Byron Bay, in a near deserted caravan park 5 minutes from the town centre. I love Byron, there are more pubs and bars than an English or even Irish village, all within walking distance of each other. And plenty of great views! Went for a drive to Nimbin today......interesting! Within 5 minutes of being there we were offered 2 'smokes' and 1 'cookie', needless to say, we declined. No really, we did. Hard to get a feed of anything meaty, but a great place for organic lentil and tofu lovers. Jo reckons it's a town full of dropout wasters, and she is probably right, but I find it kind of refreshing in this age of permits and political correctness.

wanna smoke man


Rob & Jo said...

A town full of dropouts and wasters? Are you planning on staying?

Mel said...

hmmmmm that sounds like Nimbin alright. But Byron Bay pubs sounds like fun!!!!!

Nick & Jo said...

Aaah, Jo you are SUCH a smooth talker!
But actually it would be a good place to hide from the t#@man!!
....And I did feel right at home.

Sarah said...

loving the blog guys... keep it coming!

glad to hear your having a wonderful time
drive safe xx