Monday, July 30, 2012

Aborted take off

Well, we were all set to head to the Cape, car filled with diesel, 350l of drinking water, ( totally unnecessary, I thought as the fridge was full of beer ) spare jerry cans of diesel, cash in our pockets etc. We were very excited and made a 7.00am start.

Daintree ferry take 1
After leaving the Daintree ferry we started the tight uphill climb, sealed road, towards Cape Trib, when CLICK CLACK. The not so mighty Landcruiser has busted a CV joint. Aaaggh. Should have bought a Land Rover.
So a quick u-turn and we are back on the ferry. After a chat with the operator and a quick look at a recently shot boar on the back of a ute next to us, he very kindly ignored the fact we had bought a one way ticket.

Doing it tough in Cairns
So we are back in a caravan park in Cairns next to tha Barron Falls. Not such a bad spot to be stuck awaiting repairs.
We are very lucky we chose a Toyota because it appeared we would have the new CV in only 6 fu*#ing WEEKS. So, after many phone calls, rants, near hysterics and even considering flying to Tokyo to collect the part ourselves, we found one in a dealership in Sydney, which is now on it's way here. The mechanic at the Toyota dealer was kind of suggesting that we should go ahead and she'll be right mate,( his cousin runs a flat bed recovery business out of Weipa ) but I wasn't prepared to head up north, and we intend to go up the Old Telegraph Track, with a faulty part.

Just a big lizard?

We found this bloke about 20 metres from the main road into Port Douglas, where we spent seven nights next to the Spangled Drongos. Long story!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

port douglas

We left Townsville and headed to Newell beach to spend a few nights with my dad. It was a great place a caravan park right on the beach, Nick says it was gods waiting room. Etty was there as well (Evie and Piere's  daughter). Did some fishing didn't catch anything here but did catch some great barramundi at the fish farm. Had two nights there then came to Port Douglas.
Took a drive up to cape trib couldn't believe we were lucky enough to see 2 cassowarries! And some piglets. I know they are a feral pest and all that....but they are cute.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Brekky stop

Brekky stop

We decided to race to the tropics after our Brisbane stay. Drove from Brisy to  Marlborough, a dot on the map 100k north of Rocky, and camped behind the pub in  pouring rain. A great spot though, serving the biggest steaks known to mankind!
Next day to Townsville with a brekky stop enroute. Omelette on the beach with a cuppa beats any greasy truck stop!
The Bruce hwy is f**#ed! Pot holes that would swallow a Lotus whole, and a million grey nomads towing caravans at 80kph.
Love Townsville. Warm, tropical weather, friendly people, familiar faces and ice cold beer. We are going to Magnetic island tomorrow and then on to Newell Beach Thursday, a week or so there and then to the Cape, can't wait.
Dean (chef) and Dee from Toolangi tavern!

Sunday, July 15, 2012


We spent a great six days in Brisbane. The weather was crap but the company great, caught up with some old family friends, and went to a great seventyth birthday well worth the rain. Had some of the best fish and chips (at Morgans) So we are now sick of the rain are heading north as quick as we can till it gets warm. Hopefully on our next post it will be hot and sunny and I will have been fishing with all my new gear that my uncle Dennis helped me choose. We were going to stop at seventeen seventy but it was far too wet. Nick is still going to catch his fish with a spear. Haha. He will be the skinny one when we get back.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Hippy Town

We are now staying at Byron Bay, in a near deserted caravan park 5 minutes from the town centre. I love Byron, there are more pubs and bars than an English or even Irish village, all within walking distance of each other. And plenty of great views! Went for a drive to Nimbin today......interesting! Within 5 minutes of being there we were offered 2 'smokes' and 1 'cookie', needless to say, we declined. No really, we did. Hard to get a feed of anything meaty, but a great place for organic lentil and tofu lovers. Jo reckons it's a town full of dropout wasters, and she is probably right, but I find it kind of refreshing in this age of permits and political correctness.

wanna smoke man

Saturday, July 7, 2012


Spent the last few days in Yamba and caught up with mum and dad. I is a really nice town with some great food.
The weather has been a bit wet and cold at night but the days mostly bright and sunny.
Took  at look around the Kimberley factory yesterday very interesting!
They asked us to be Guinea pigs on a new 2 way satellite tracker, should be interesting.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Hard at work in the office! Palmers Island near Yamba. Still can't believe we don't have to come home next week.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Spent our first night in Dubbo.
Caught up with mels mum Michelle and had dinner at a great pub.
-4c over night my good it was cold, but nice and toasty in bed, so we made an early start hoping to get to Yamba.